Series: Shinshi Doumei Cross
Character: Otomiya Haine
Type: Bodyguard Uniform
Completed: April 2007
Worn at: Minifest 2007
Cost: $175AUD
About the character
Haine was originally born in the Kamiya family, however at the age of 10 she was adopted by the Otomiyas. For many years she was a delinquent, that is until she set sight on Shizumasa and fell in love. Since then she changed her ways, determined to meet him again. While not the smartest girl, Haine does have a heart of gold.
Fun facts on this costume
First, please ignore the shoes! They were my least favourite aspect of the costume just because they were so ugly @_@ But aside from that, I really do love this costume. The most time consuming part was the jacket, which I love to pieces! I made it very thick (two extra layers of interfacing) so it would keep me warm. I lined it completely, to the point that you could turn the jacket inside out and it would still look good!
It looks like such a simple jacket, but so much effort went into that you can’t just see. I wanted to really push myself to make a jacket that was strong and warm enough for everyday use and I think I almost hit the mark with this one (just a little off in some areas). I’m extremely proud of myself and now plan to ensure all future costumes are created in such a wear that strength-wise it can be used everyday, and that the insides of each costume is as neat as the outside (not that it matters I know, I’m just a perfectionist!)