Title: Forest Fairy
Theme: Fantasy
Completed: January 2008
Worn at: Photoshoot only
Cost: $20AUD
About the character
This was an original design that I threw together so that I could experiment with wings and fantasy.
Fun facts on this costume
This has to be one of the cheapest and easiest to make costumes I have created thus far. I got the fabric at a discounted price and only needed $6 worth of it 🙂 I threw in left over gems and sparks to add a touch of shimmer to it. The back of the dress is done up like a corset, which was a first for me. The wings were also a first for me, and I’ve learnt a great deal from this pair~ I have to admit, this has been one of the more difficult photoshoots I’ve done, alot of climbing and insects attacking me! But it’s also been very rewarding 🙂