Hey internet! And welcome to my page 🙂
My name is Celina, I started cosplaying way back in 2002 after attending my first anime convention in 2001 called Manifest, and became instantly hooked after watching the cosplay competition! The years that followed was a whirlwind of many anime conventions each year, and countless of costumes and photo shoots! I even managed to get featured on the cover of The Age two separate times and the Melbourne’s Metro MX newspaper, which safe to say was a highlight for me during my cosplay career. I documented my entire cosplay journey at the time on my website called Extreme Motion.
Then along came Youtube and my interests started to shift. I ended up taking an unintentional hiatus from the cosplay to pursue my passions in the beauty blogging and youtube world.
A few years after I found myself soon drifting into the planner & stationery world, a passion I had since I was a child. As a result A Beautiful Fable was born, my planner youtube channel and my online sticker shop Happy Cloud Inc followed shortly.
But I knew in my heart it was only a matter of time that my thirst for cosplay would return and so “A Fable In Time” was born. I decided to retire Extreme Motion in favour for A Fable in Time, as I felt the name was a little more fitting for me now.
Unless otherwise stated, all products, clothing items, accessories and more have all been purchased by myself with my own money. I write this blog both for myself and an audience looking for an honest opinion, this means I will write both good AND bad reviews for both products I buy and am sent.
Many links on this blog will be referral links, which means if you make a purchase through them I will make a very small percentage. Though you as a customer will not be charged any more than any other customer, and referral links will not in any way sway my opinions shared on this blog.