2020 has been a strange year, pandemic aside. I’ve had the urgent to revisit old hobbies, re-look at some older dreams and ponder on a life that could have been (deep, I know).
Cosplay is one of my hobbies that I have loved for the longest time and I remember fully dedicating myself to it for a good eight years. However I soon discovered blogging and YouTube and so disappeared the next 10 years of my life, and now here we are. 2020 has landed and the itch to cosplay (which never actually went away, but was always in the background) has started to resurface.
My old website, Extreme Motion used to house all my cosplay experiences, and through a number of server migrations it eventually disappeared into the abyss. When I thought about bringing it back, the name just didn’t seem to fit anymore. My style over the last ten years has changed considerably and so I felt like a new name was in order.
If you’re a follower of any of my other websites, then you’ll know that most of them have a bit of a “fable” theme going on, so after a few iterations, “A Fable in Time” was born.
Thus far I’ve gone through the process of reuploading a lot of old content, mostly old costumes and eventually I’ll get around to sharing photos I took at previous conventions. I think for the immediate future you’ll mostly find a number of blog posts because I already have a bit of a backlog of topics I’m keen to share and it might turn into a more regular weekly blog situation. However behind the scenes (and maybe I’ll show progress updates here too if it makes sense) I’ll be working on a couple new costumes! No idea what the timeline on that stuff is, but rest assured it’s all shimmering away.
So that’s intro post back into the world of cosplay. I’ve got not real expectations around what to expect on this platform besides some new costumes and blog content but I’m a big fan on letting things run their course and we’ll see how things go
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